日本財団 図書館


paragraph 1 of the Law, shall submit an application for permission for the deactivation (closure) of the aerodrome to the Minister of Transport describing the following items:
(1)Name and address of the applicant;
(2)Location and name of the aerodrome;
(3)Proposed date and period of deactivation, in the case of an application for permission for deactivation;
(4)Proposed date of closure, in the case of an application for permission for closure;
(5)Reasons justifying the deactivation or closure.


2. In the case in which the applicant is a juridical body or an association, the application specified in the preceding paragraph shall be accompanied by documents that certify the resolution concerning the deactivation or termination of the services.


3. The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall be applied accordingly to a submission for the deactivation or closure of a non-public aerodrome. In this case, the term “any person who shall seek permission” shall be read as “any person who shall submit”, and the term “application for permission” shall be read as “submission” in paragraph 1 of this Article, and the term “application” in paragraph 2 shall be read as “submit”.


4. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall be applied accordingly to an application for permission for deactivation of the New Tokyo International Airport.


(Application for Reactivation Inspection)
Article 89. Any applicant requisitioning an inspection for the resumption of aerodrome activity under the provisions of Article 44 paragraph 4 (including the case that applies accordingly to Article 45 paragraph 2, and Article 56 of the Law) shall submit an application for inspection for aerodrome reactivation to the Minister of Transport describing the following items:
(1)Name and address of the applicant;
(2)Location and name of the aerodrome;
(3)The proposed date for reactivation of the aerodrome.


2. In the case of the applicant being a juridical body or an association, the application provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be accompanied by documents that certify the resolution concerning the reactivation of the aerodrome


(Notification of Activation Date)
Article 90. The items for which a public notification shall be issued, in the





